Monday, August 6, 2007

For Once - Glad I'm Not in Madrid

I got nothing ... but this picture of Betty the dog jumping into Lake Pend Oreille in Northern Idaho. Looks nice huh? The water is amazing, clear and cool. I am spending a week here doing the summer thing.

I hear it's pretty hot in Madrid. I think I'll wait until fall / winter to go back. Of course, Spain is known and loved for it's summers (or at least for the warm weather) but I really prefer winter in Madrid. There is nothing like coming from a place where the weather is temperate (L.A.) and being able to wear some winter clothes for a change.


Anonymous said...

You were in Sandpoint last summer? We live in Coeur d'Alene (another gift from French!) and love it there. The world is so small.

Carl said...

Very nice there. Coeur d'Alene too!