Let’s review my voting record. This by the way, is very personal information. You’re not really supposed to do this, voting is between you and the booth. But I don’t know you people so what the hell…
1980: Carter vs. Reagan - my losing pick? Carter
1984: Reagan vs. Mondale - my losing pick? Mondale
1988: H.W. Bush vs. Dukakis - my losing pick? Dukakis
1992: H.W. Bush vs. Clinton v.s Perot - my losing pick ? Perot (I can’t explain this vote)
1996: Clinton vs. Dole vs. Perot - my losing pick? Perot (Maybe it was Ralph Nader? either way - loser)
2000: G.W. Bush vs. Gore - my losing pick? Gore
2004: G.W. Bush vs. Kerry - my losing pick? Kerry
As you can clearly see, any candidate I pick for president will lose. This obviously is a very powerful position to be in. I must carefully consider my next decision – because I am in control. Should I vote for who I really want to win and risk jinxing it for everyone else? Or should I be smart this time and vote for the guy I want to see lose? I really have a problem here people.
What do you think?