Sunday, October 26, 2008

I am in Control of the U.S. Presidential Elections

I’m a relatively old guy (46 y.o.) and have voted in every presidential election since 1980. Problem is, I have never picked a winner - not once. So, I’m going with the completely logical theory that I personally have the power to decide the outcome of the U.S. Presidential elections. The winner will be whomever I don't pick. Of course, I am not considering the theory that I just sometimes make boneheaded voting choices.

Let’s review my voting record. This by the way, is very personal information. You’re not really supposed to do this, voting is between you and the booth. But I don’t know you people so what the hell…

1980: Carter vs. Reagan - my losing pick? Carter

1984: Reagan vs. Mondale - my losing pick? Mondale

1988: H.W. Bush vs. Dukakis - my losing pick? Dukakis

1992: H.W. Bush vs. Clinton v.s Perot - my losing pick ? Perot (I can’t explain this vote)

1996: Clinton vs. Dole vs. Perot - my losing pick? Perot (Maybe it was Ralph Nader? either way - loser)

2000: G.W. Bush vs. Gore - my losing pick? Gore

2004: G.W. Bush vs. Kerry - my losing pick? Kerry

As you can clearly see, any candidate I pick for president will lose. This obviously is a very powerful position to be in. I must carefully consider my next decision – because I am in control. Should I vote for who I really want to win and risk jinxing it for everyone else? Or should I be smart this time and vote for the guy I want to see lose? I really have a problem here people.

What do you think?


Keef said...


Midnight Golfer said...

You must vote this time. The TV told me that this is the election that changes EVERYTHING, and that the whole WORLD will be different.
So, clearly, no matter where you are you must vote, and since this time is historic and different, everything changes, so vote who you want to win (or against the one you disagree with the most)

Anonymous said...

Vota en blanco. Porque si votas a McCain con la esperanza de que se cumpla tu gafería y al final gana por un puñado de votos las ansias de tirarte por el golden gate se multiplicará por un millón. O las ansias te podrían llegar igualmente si votas a Obama y tu gafería se cumple.
Vota en blanco y compráte una herradura o una pata de conejo.

Por cierto, 46 años tienes?, pues aparentas diez años menos en la foto de tu blog.

Carl said...

That's one way to go anonymous...

That photo was taken in 2001 - I don't think I look too different now?

I'm going to stick to the idea that I look 10 years younger than I am .. even if I don't.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, ditto. Been there, done that. That don't match up exactly or anything, but I feel your pain...

Anonymous said...

Gosh, and all this time I had you pegged as being a Libertarian. :)

Carl said...

My father was a democrat so I'm continuing the family tradition - at least in voting. But in philosophy, I'm definitely a walking contradiction.

The thing that has changed my views the most in terms of thinking more Libertarian, or even "conservative", has been my time in Spain, reading nonsense and/or having many political discussions with ill-informed people.

I think I make some kind of a transformation politically when I fly over the Atlantic. I leave my Democratic self in California and turn into - as you say, Libertarian or something. Maybe this is something to write about?

Cody's Cuentos said...

Hey, Carl, you "Old Timer" you, didya vote yet? Give us an update, please. How long did you have to wait? What was the atmosphere like in L.A.? Carnival or serious? Friends of mine in Ohio have already emailed to say that lines were already around the block at polling stations at 6:15 IN THE MORNING!!!

P.S. What do you think the voter turnout is going to be this time around? The record is 1960, JFK, 64% voter turnout. What's your prediction this time around?

Cody's Cuentos said...

Maybe it's just me, but you've definitely got the makings of a political blogger. I like reading your political/socio-cultural stuff on Spain from the perspective of being an American who loves Spain enough to be able to see its beauty and its flaws. You're not just a rah-rah Spain is perfect kind of blogger.

Yeah, I think a lot of us would like to read more about your shift in viewpoint when you cross the Atlantic. Although I'm sure it just takes the sight of an article from El País to snap you back to reality. LOL.

Carl said...


Haven't voted yet. It is now 7:43am. I am going into work late today so I can hit the polls about 10:00 am when lines will be light hopefully. Everyone is saying turnout is going to be high - but you know how it goes when everyone is saying something...

Ouch on the old timer thing... Ha.

And yes, I am most interested in just what you said.. the cultural / political aspects of being an American in Spain and how they see us.

Update later.

Anonymous said...

Hey Carl, sorry, no offense was intended when I called you an old timer. Was just ribbing you since you had described yourself as "relatively old" at the age of 46. :)

Carl said...

I know you're kidding... and I am not offended in the least.

The sad truth is you're right!