Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Worst Swearing I Ever Heard in Spain … or Anywhere!

The first time I lived in Spain I traveled with my roommate to visit his family in Cartagena for Christmas. I was finally getting a little better at Spanish after a good five months of barely saying anything. Of course, the first Spanish words and phrases I learned were cuss words and dirty words - I was twenty after all. I learned the normal ones like “Joder” and “Mierda”, etc. These words were satisfying and fun to me because they were familiar, direct translations of the English - and all seemed well with the world.

But, on this first big trip out of Madrid, my roommate’s father decided to have a holiday-style disagreement with his estranged wife, my roommate’s mother. One afternoon something was not going well. During the argument, I couldn’t quite catch what the problem was but I did understand one huge horrible phrase. It was the foulest swearing I have ever heard, and almost beautiful in its ability to offend (especially Catholics). He said, to his estranged wife at a particularly heated moment, “ ME CAGO EN DIOS, EN LA VIRGEN PUTA, Y EN TODOS LOS SANTOS, CUARENTA MIL VECES!”

Now THAT is the worst swearing I ever heard.


Carl said...


"I shit on God, on the Virgin whore, and on all the saints, forty thousand times!"

Wow, He was pissed!

leftbanker said...

I have heard the worst cursing from the Lebanese. The phrase you mentioned is rather mild for them, something charming they might say to you before they ask to borrow money. My Arabic isn’t what it used to be but I’ll never forget some of the poetic swearing I heard from some Lebanese, usually from opposite sides of the political/religious fence. One of them involved a car bomb resulting in a meteor shower of severed penises and one guy’s unfortunate sister who was evidently walking around without an umbrella. For sheer volume of profanity, my Mexican friends would put any Tourette syndrome sufferer to shame.

I swear enough in English for about seven languages so I refrain from obscenities here in Spain—at least until my Spanish improves.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, although there are lots of variations to this particular cuss I'm sure!

Scientific Hooliganism said...

I'm Cuban, and I'll tell you something; my grandpa says "me cago en dios cabrone!" all the time.

Carl said...

That's a good one. And shorter!

Anonymous said...

Heard from my ex-boyfriend when he was driving:

"Ojala llegues a casa y te encuentres al gato jugando con el corazón de tu mujer"

Colorful, huh?

Anonymous said...

Long version: "Me cago en Dios en la puta Virgen y en cuarenta carretas cargadas de santos y tiradas por los cuernos de Cristo, y en cuarenta kilometros a la redonda por si se escapa algun puto santo". Could somebody translate it?

Carl said...

Well Anonymous, I also might need help with this one .. but I’m going with:

“I shit on God, on the Virgin-whore, and in 40 carts filled with Saints that are pulled by the devil horns of Christ, and I shit in a circle 40 kilometers around - just in case one of the whore-Saints escapes”

I’m definitely going to hell for translating that one! Where did you hear it?

zuzuarregui said...


Sorry if it's unrelated, and late, but I really have a beef with refelxive verbs. Whenever the 1st person is used, the 1st thing that pops into my mind are Neanderthals... And Vietnamese hookers!! "Me so horny! Me love you long time!"

zuzuarregui said...


Sorry if it's unrelated, and late, but I really have a beef with refelxive verbs. Whenever the 1st person is used, the 1st thing that pops into my mind are Neanderthals... And Vietnamese hookers!! "Me so horny! Me love you long time!"