Monday, May 25, 2009

End of the Bullfight?

Here is one part of globalization that I don't think the Americans can be blamed for. There are real live Spanish people who want the Bullfight to end and I'm sure the powers that be in the European Union would like to see it gone too.

I personally would still like Spain to be "different" - as the old tourism ad campaign once said. But I recognize that the Bullfight's days are numbered.


Blues said...

I just don´t know how they can keep it up, or the Running of the Bulls for that matter. EU will not be having any of that for too much longer.

Carl said...

Thanks for stopping by Blues.

The writing is on the wall.

Voices en EspaƱol said...

A few days after that protest, a bullfighter was gored. The bull's horns went 10 inches deep into his stomach. The pictures aren't pretty.

Maria S. said...

Stunning demonstration.