Sunday, February 24, 2008

When Bush, and Europe's Excuse, is Gone

Filed under the "Be careful what you wish for department." Europe's hopes and prayers will be answered next January when President Bush leaves office. In his place could very well be a charismatic, articulate, young, likable, and black, liberal Democrat. There will be ONE crucial similarity however .... That liberal Democrat will still be ..... AN AMERICAN.

In one fell swoop, a whole slew of reasons why Europeans say they don't like "the American government" but do like "the American people" - are going to disappear. Those reasons were so darn convenient too! It was so easy to be pissed at Bush - and the Americans - over Kyoto, Afghanistan, Iraq, the International Criminal Court (ICC). It was so easy to associate arrogance, militarism, corporate greed, stupidity, etc., with that rich kid from Kennebunkport Maine, and by extension - to every other American.

The truth is it felt really good for Europe to have eight whole years to get it all out. To get out what they were thinking about the Americans all the time - and not just about the government. I'm sure it was really cathartic. Imagine, talking smack about the Americans - really letting it out - and having a perfect foil to play-off all those unpleasant feelings .... Bush. It was even better than hating Reagan. And the best part about it was so many Americans even agreed with you.

Well Europe, those days are going fast. Soon, a smooth-talking Democrat could be on your TV screen, at the U.N., in your city. He's going to be talking green house gases (your gases too!), he's going to be talking socialized healthcare, he's going to be talking security and China and India, he's going to be talking about how to get out of Iraq, he's going to be talking Afghanistan and doing your part.... he might even ask Europe to make some, gasp ..... sacrifices! He's going to LIKE dialogue and asking for your help...

It's going to be rough for you guys, believe me. All the standard anti-American lines are just not going to stick (i.e., white, rich, inarticulate, stupid, corporate, Republican, military, et. al.) You will know how Hillary feels now - how do we fight this guy? If he starts saying the things that you have been demanding ... then you will have to agree with the Americans! You will have to like us AND our government. Wow. The whole world will finally see how much Europe really loves us. Everyone will see that it was all Bush's fault!

Will this happen? Not likely! My advice to Europe ...... Pray for a McCain victory!


Anonymous said...

Great post and very true.

It has been so easy for non-Americans to dislike Bush and almost everything he stands for.

With a new person (why not Hillary..:) running the country, the U.S. will get a face-lift, either way.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there will be a period of adjustment but if the next U.S. president doesn't fall into lockstep with what the EU thinks is best, Europe fill find new excuses to put down the U.S.

Anonymous said...

@bilingual blogger
I had lived in the U.S. during the Reagan administration and later on during the Bush Senior administration. In between I lived in Germany but cannot recall any European averseness to the U.S. during those times.
President Bush and 9/11 changed U.S. politics to mostly warfare.

Carl said...


Maybe you were having too much fun then. Germans and Europe were way pissed at Reagan for "war-mongering" also. Spain wanted NATO out of their country - they later joined NATO, by the way. Europe assumed the US was going to start nuclear war with Russia.

"President Bush and 9/11 changed U.S. politics to mostly warfare."

I don't know where to begin with that one... I guess I'll just say that I think Europe doesn't seem to understand - and definitely doesn't want to do anything about - the difficult situation that the world could be in if some people have their way.

Anonymous said...

Your last two posts have made interesting reading, but as a European citizen, I feel compelled to ask, what is this Europe of which you speak?
I don't recognise it. It seems far too unified.
Is this the same Europe where some countries have the Euro while others are still hanging onto their old currencies like grim death? Where many citizens seem determined to rip their countries into smaller and smaller pieces. Where governments slyly put up as many barriers to trade and free movement as they legally can?
Is the only thing we can agree on the fact that we don't like the U.S?
How sad.

leftbanker said...

Of course Europe will be glad to see bush go, so will most Americans. He has been an absolute disaster on just about every front. The economy stinks, the war is a hopeless mess, the dollar has plummeted...what is there to like about the guy? Besides the fact that he's a retard. I can't wait to have a president who is a decent public speaker (like Bill Clinton), if nothing else. Obama wasn't my first choice but he'll do nicely after four years of President Malapropism.

Carl said...

Oh come on Leftbanker.. Do you really think he is a retard? Don't answer that ....

They used to call Reagan a stupid cowboy too, remember?

Carl said...

And Agingcynic,

I'm afraid that is about the way I see it.