I had to read in El Pais that the CEO of this company is Canadian, and not only that, Jewish too. This would never come up in an American article. The CEO, Dov Charney holds a US green card, which means he can pretty much do whatever he wants in the US but vote.
The bottom line is they are saying that this guy, Dov, is an "Anti-Globalization" activist and therefore a hero because he manufactures in Los Angeles and pays his workers $12 / hr. The clothes are not made abroad in, say, Sri Lanka, presumably like every other evil US clothes maker (Hmm, does Zara make their clothes in Spain?) He also supposedly provides health insurance.
Well, good for him. I wonder how much of a humanitarian he is though. Something tells me he is a business man first. He found a business model that works for him and it just so happens that the model includes making his T-shirts in LA. Let's see, $12.00/hr. per worker, and that worker can make about 200 or so t-shirts per hour at $16.00 each - Yep! He's raking it in! When you look at it like this, it is obscene that this work is exported abroad (Spain does it too). The profit in clothes is outrageous.
I also love how they talk about the evil "Neo-Cons" and how they are supposedly against immigration. Yeah right! What a lie. The business leaders in the US (and Spain) love immigration - even illegal. It just makes them richer. And this guy Dov is no different.
What El Pais failed to mention about ol' Dov, is how his shops are completely anti-union, that his workers have insurance that is only subsidized - not free, and how he has a penchant for exposing himself in front of the employees (they call this a "rumor"). Oh well, as long as he is Jewish-Canadian and not American!
CEO, Dov Charney is a molestor also. He was sued for sexual harrasement many times but get away.
Yeah I know. He sounds like a real champion of worker's rights.
EL PAÍS really annoys the crap out of me, with their sanctimonious, self-righteous "progressive" reporting, especially when they do these type of stories involving the U.S. Their hatred for all things American is so strong they can't even give it a rest for one day to report things objectively.
"Jewish-Canadian"? WTF?! Give me a f(BLEEP) break!! Thank god you read that newspaper, so that the rest of us don't have to!!
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