Thursday, July 5, 2007

"EU Tube" New Exciting Web Destination

Does anyone else think that this new website is a little silly? The EU has announced it's own channel on YouTube. "EU Tube" will publicize EU videos and programs to an anxious Europe dying to get their hands on this information.

Is YouTube the right place to reach out to the world for a government of a block of nations? I guess there was no room on their own website. Sounds like some idea man has run amok in Brusells.

After you finish watching the video of the dog riding the skateboard you can click over and get some important EU info. Hey, why don't we do this too? Yeahh, "You-SA-Tube"!... Uh, maybe not.

Oh well, they are trying to get their name out there I guess. Wouldn't want to forget about them.....


Anonymous said...


This is our opinion on EU propaganda.

Unknown said...

Appears that the EU propagandaists are trying to have their brie and eat it too.

NYTimes wrote a snarky piece yesterday about EU Tube.